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Welcome to


Episcopal Church


Following Jesus.
Inspired Through Worship.

Boldly Loving All.

As followers of Jesus, we believe all people—without exception—are God’s beloved and are called together by the Holy Spirit. Inspired through time-honored worship, the people of St. John’s Episcopal Church strive to boldly love every person and all creation. 


Sunday Worship

Whether you are exploring a new faith community or simply visiting our area, you are welcome to come and worship with us. Our Sunday worship ranges from quiet, short, and contemplative at 8:30am, to joyfully traditional with an organ and choir at 10:45am. 


If you want to know more about the shape and style of our worship, you can click here

Join us for worship in person or online! We have two opportunities for worship on Sunday mornings:


  • 8:30am in English – A spoken (no music), contemplative, shorter worship service.

  • 10:45am in English – A joyfully traditional worship service with organ, music, and choir (also broadcast on our parish YouTube channel).


Tenemos libros de oración bilingües que están disponibles en ambos servicios de adoración dominicales para aquellos que hablan español. También tenemos adoración en español para eventos especiales y tenemos servicios bilingües en el servicio de las 10:45am unas veces durante el año. Haga clic aquí para más detalles.

Our Podcast

Christian Mythbusters: Christianity and Life

Father Jared debunks the myths of what Christians believe about life… or at least, what often seems to be a myth given the perennial hypocrisy of the church on these questions. You can hear Christian Mythbusters in the Grand Haven area on 92.1 WGHN, on Wednesdays at 10:30am and Sundays at 8:50am. 

“Do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that you may take hold of the life that really is life.”

1 Timothy 6:18b-19

You can also text SJEGH to 73256, followed by your gift amount, to give online through text.

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St. John's EpisCopal Church

A parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan.



524 Washington Avenue
Grand Haven, MI 49417

Parish Office Open
Mon-Thur, 10am-2pm

The rector is also available
by appointment.

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©2022 by St. John's Episcopal Church.

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