Parish Forms
& Policies
Parish Forms & Policies
Below are several of the forms and policies regularly used for different aspects of our parish life. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office.
501c3 Certification & our Michigan Tax Exemption Form – Our 501c3 certification letter gives confirmation of our church's tax exempt status. The "Michigan Tax Exemption Form" is the form used when making purchase for the church which should be exempt from state sales tax.
Alcohol Policy & Request Form — This form must be filled out and approved by the Vestry in advance of any use of alcohol at a parish event.
Check Request Form — This form must accompany any request for reimbursement from the Parish.
Columbarium Forms & Application – This document contains the various applications, policies, and certificates related to inurnment in the Columbarium at the All Souls’ Chapel.
E-Giving Information and Agreement — The form to have your gift to the ministry of our church withdrawn either weekly or monthly from your bank account. You can change your e-giving preferences by calling the Parish Office anytime during normal office hours.
Endowment Fund Information & Policies – This page includes a link to our official Endowment Fund policies, along with other information about the endowments of our parish. It also includes information about our Legacy Society.
Formulario de información de membresía – Si desea convertirse oficialmente en parte de nuestra familia parroquial, este formulario capturará la información necesaria y también le dará opciones para conectarse con la congregación.
Funeral Guidelines & Policies – This page contains links to the various guidelines and policies surrounding funerals at St. John’s.
Holy Baptism Application – If you would like to schedule the sacrament of Holy Baptism for yourself or your child, this form will connect you with that process.
Immigration & Sanctuary Statement – This statement reflects the decision of a Special Meeting of our Parish in 2018 with regard to questions surrounding immigration and sanctuary.
Marriage Guidelines & Policies – This page contains links to the various guidelines and policies surrounding marriage and weddings at St. John’s.
Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs – This document is produced by the Churchwide Office of the Episcopal Church and, according to canon, governs the financial practices of the parish.
Membership Information Form – If you’d like to officially become a part of our parish family, this form will capture the necessary information and also give you options for connecting with the congregation.
Memorial Garden Nameplate Order Form – This form is used to order a bronze nameplate to recognize someone who is buried in our Memorial Garden.
Online Payment Authorization — This form substitutes for a check whenever an online transaction is going to be processed instead of a paper check.
Pledge Form — In the Episcopal tradition, members are invited to make a pledge for the year, letting the Vestry know how much they intend to give to support the ministry we share, helping the Vestry create a budget for ministry. This confidential form enables you to do that.
Privacy Policy – Your privacy is important to us at St. John's Episcopal Church (SJE). To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
Political Engagement Policy & Request Form — This form enables the Vestry to respond in an orderly and fair way to any requests for official political action or engagement either by the parish or on parish property.
Room Reservation (SJE Ministry) – This is the form used by staff and leaders of SJE ministry to reserve space in the church and get announcement information into the parish calendar and newsletter system.
Room Use Application (Non-SJE Ministry) – This is the form both parishioners and those outside the parish use to reserve space in our building. It is also used by outside groups seeking a permanent rental of any portion of our space.
Safeguarding God’s Children & People – This diocesan page provides information, forms, and policies related to our church’s ministry and practices surrounding children.
Snow & Inclement Weather Policy – This document provides information about how decisions are made with respect to closing the parish in the event of snow or other inclement weather.
Wedding Guidelines & Policies – This page contains links to the various guidelines and policies surrounding marriage and weddings St. John’s. You can also find information here regarding renting our space when having a wedding done by your own minister.
Welcoming Statement – Our parish’s official statement of welcome and inclusion.